
Virtual Doctor is a unique platform which has been designed to provide virtual care by employing digital medical devices. It is a care management system which is able to integrate with any existing medical system and augment its capacity to deliver medical services in the field of behavior health, chronic disease management, intensive care or preventive care. The system can provide everything which is required for delivering world-class medical care anywhere.

Telemedcine services

It is a mean to deliver medical care remotly by employing ICT.

Digital Medical Equipment

Digital Medical Equipment are specially designed tools used for providing telemedicine services by medical doctors.

Our Doctors

Virtual Doctor has a team of selected doctors who are professional sound and trained to provide telemedicine services.


Our Services


We have selected medical doctors who can provide you the best telemedicine services at your convenient. The medical field is vast that even a well-established hospital cannot provide every medical services under one roof. Virtual Doctors has made its best effort to provide virtual medical services from one single platform. All our selected doctors are well qualified and registered with PMC as medical practitioner.


The telemedicine services works by sharing the patients’ data collected by the digital medical devices to physician by utilizing a reliable internet platform. The data is collected by any medical staff having adequate knowledge about the disease for which the medical device is employed and shared with physician for diagnosis purposes.

Digital Equipment

Telemedicine services involves less physical contact with the patient and depends more on the use of digital medical equipment designed exclusively for remote examination of the patient through internet. The selection of right Digital Medical Equipment for examining any patient requires sound knowledge about the limitation of medical equipment and its employment according to the situation.

Virtual Doctor takes all precautions to ensure safe handling of your Healthcare Data.

HIPAA compliant

Privacy of Patient Data

Patients’ electronic data i.e personal information and medical record are encrypted


Financial transaction is effectuated in a secure environment while keeping the security of medical record and personal data.

Back up

The system has a back up of all personal information and healthcare data of patients.

Authentication of Users

The system employs secure means to identify users

Protected Data

Protection of healthcare data and personal information are ensured during transfer of data.

Unauthorized Access

The system denies any unauthorized access to the stored healthcare data and personnel information of users.


To lead the world of digital medical services.


To develop a digital platform giving access to cost effective health care services.


To provide excellent health care services in remote areas through telemedicine services.